STACY RENE ERENBERG is a Chicago based, abolitionist, musician, facilitator and educator. All of her work is deeply rooted in the practice of Harm Reduction and being Trauma Informed. When she is not writing songs or spending time with family, she loves dancing, crossword puzzles and watching cooking shows.
Visit her website for information on current projects and upcoming events:
BONSAI BERMUDEZ completed a Master's Degree in Guidance and Counseling from the University of Puerto Rico with a concentration on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer issues. They have been working in the social justice-service field for over 10 years with a main focus on trauma, transformative justice, and harm reduction practices. Read more about Bonsai.
TANUJA JAGERNAUTH is a healer activist, cultural worker, and educator. A 2007 Albert Schweitzer Fellow and Fellow for Life, Tanuja believes that offering sliding scale services within a framework of harm reduction, body/fat positivity, and trauma informed practice facilitates health and healing in a way that is liberating for the practitioner as well as the patient. Read more about Tanuja.
DEANA LEWIS’S scholarly and activist work focuses on trans and non-trans Black women and girls who have experienced state violence. Her research interests include Black girlhood studies, the school/prison nexus, and youth incarceration. More specifically, Deana is interested in Black girls’ experiences within the school to prison pipeline and how their experiences have been left out of discourses about youth incarceration in general.
Read more about Deana.
Rachel Caidor has spent over 25 years providing direct service and organizational support to rape crisis and domestic violence survivor support agencies in Chicago. She is a member of Love and Protect and supports the work of the Chicago Community Bond Fund.
Rachel is a co-founder of Just Practice Collaborative.
Shira Hassan (she/her) is the former director of the Young Women’s Empowerment Project, an organizing and movement building project led by and for young people of color that have current or former experience in the sex trade and street economies. She is the co-founder Just Practice Collaborative and is currently the Transformative Justice Fellow at Interrupting Criminalization where she runs the TJ Help Desk.
MARIAME KABA is an organizer, educator and curator who is active in movements for racial, gender, and transformative justice. She is the founder and director of Project NIA, a grassroots organization with a vision to end youth incarceration. Read more about Mariame.
ADRIENNE MAREE BROWN Adrienne Maree Brown is a writer, science fiction scholar, healer, doula and artist living in Detroit. She studies Octavia Butler, emergence, transformation and the intersection between somatics and social justice. Read more about Adrienne
INVINCIBLE | In addition to their work as a performing artist, they spent over a decade organizing with Detroit Summer, a multi-racial, inter-generational collective in Detroit that is transforming communities through youth facilitative leadership, creativity, and collective action. Invincible also co-coordinated and co-founded the Detroit Future Youth network to support social justice and media-based youth projects throughout the city. Invincible has produced events, organized actions, designed curriculum, facilitated workshops, woven participatory community media projects, and more, while simultaneously creating music, media, and touring internationally.Invincible.
BENJI HART is an activist, artist and youth worker dedicated to radical education. He is a voguer, and has been an active member of the House of Ninja since 2007. Much of his work focuses on using the art form of vogue to teach Black and Brown queer history, sex positivity, and empower poor and working queer communities in creative and celebratory ways. Read more about Benji.
Kiesa Reynolds is a writer and educator from Richmond, Calif. They are a certified rape crisis counselor in Illinois and California and have extensive training in other areas including domestic violence, child abuse, community violence, and trauma. They have a BA in Cultural Studies from Columbia College and studied at UC Berkeley's Goldman School of Public Policy as a 2014 PPIA Fellow.
Tony is a multi-issue community builder working and living within an anti-oppression and harm reduction framework. Most recently, Alvarado-Rivera completed his tenure at Broadway Youth Center as the Mentor Program Coordinator. Additional experience includes work with the groundbreaking About Face Youth Theatre and the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) in New York. Read more about Tony.